Saturday, March 3, 2007

08-23-2003 5:26 AM Post By Bill Borough.

To: Gene Holtmeyer

Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 5:26 AM

Subject: PGM 31

Hi Gene: It was so good to hear from you .You are the first crew member I have heard from. How did you find the site? When I started the site, I did not remember any names. No Officers no nothing. My wife and I went to Washington DC where I went to the National Archives and got to see the ships logs. There were 6 books!! I got the list of Ships Officer from the deck log and did not recognize any one. I thought I had the wrong ship. Maybe I was on PMG 32. On another floor they had the crews roster list for PGM 31 and I saw my name.
The copy of the roster was very poor and it was hard to get the names right.
The names posted are for the day they signed aboard. I would be glade to post your roster too. It was my hope to have the crews names posted so if they ran a search with Google their name will come up and contact me.

I have search for crews names using with no luck.
I had better luck with the officers because in the log it gave next of kin and their home town. As you can see: Randell C. Guyer, Jr. II Son of Randell C. Guyer, Jr.
Dad passed away in 1993 from a Brain Tumor. We saved his war time pictures, etc. if anyone is interested. I asked for the picture but have not received them
2003-06-02 Randell C. Guyer, Jr is a CPA and has a web site!!

I have also herd from James Depew. His e-mail is as follows.

Thank you.
My late grandfather served on PGM-31 during WWII. Thank you for a wonderful and informative website.

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